Sensei Raquel Galhardi - 3rd Dan
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Sensei Raquel Galhardi started practicing in 2003, but had lived in the midst of Aikido since 1993, when she met Sensei Gentil, accompanying her husband Julio Galhardi in Aikido seminars and meetings. Working in the Production area, he brought this experience to the Círculo de Aikido and started to organize national and international seminars and also manage the group. She became a black belt in 2016, received her 2nd Dan at the beginning of 2019 and the 3rd Dan at the end of 2022. She currently teaches at the ICBJ (Brazil-Japan Cultural Institute) dojo, is the Director of Events at Círculo de Aikido, trains in the dojos of Jardim Botânico and Barra da Tijuca and participates in numerous seminars throughout Brazil. She is also a great promoter of Aikido on social networks.
Brazil-Japan Cultural Institute
Rua Alice, 1150 - Laranjeiras
Jardim Botânico
Instituto Philippe Souchard
Rua Getúlio das Neves, nº 19