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Sensei Julio Galhardi - 4th Dan

Rio de Janeiro - RJ


Born in Rio de Janeiro, he started practicing aikido in 1981 with the late sensei Clóvis Melo, who introduced Aikido to a generation of practitioners. After the death of sensei Clóvis, he trained with senseis Nelson Alves and Alexandre Salim until 2001, when he helped sensei Luis Antonio Gentil to found the Círculo de Aikido. Became an instructor in 2014.


Jardim Botânico
Instituto Philippe Souchard

Rua Getúlio das Neves, nº 19

Barra da Tijuca
Casa Christe

Rua José Eiras Pinheiro, nº 127 E

55 (21) 98461-3016


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